
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

 Today we hear a common word from different people in places where I go and that word is AI. But what is AI?😅 This may seem like a joking question but sti it's a question to. In simple term artificial we already know that it means something which is man made and intelligence meaning understand so artificial intelligence is the making of machine which have human-like understanding. These machines are able to solve problems, make discussions, think, like humans, understand natural language and so much more. All of these objectives have been achieved and most are not. Currently writing this article there are powerful chatbots which are ruling over our livelihood and these include Chatgpt, Google bard, Hugging Chat to mention but a few. These chatbots are examples of the so called Artificial Intelligence. Chatgpt came into public with it's first version called GPT-1 as it's engine in 2018, by a company called OpenAI and now it backfired with so much energy with GPT-3 in Novemb